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Asked by: Layachi Porturas
food and drink desserts and bakingDoes tart cherry juice reduce inflammation?
Keeping this in consideration, how much tart cherry juice should you drink a day?
Drink either 8 ounces of Montmorencytartcherry juice or 2 tablespoons. of Montmorency tartcherryjuice concentrate (taken as a shot or diluted in yourwater oryour favorite beverage) twice a day for at leastseven daysbefore a big race or event to help you ease thepain andrecovery more quickly.
Similarly, does tart cherry juice interact with any medications?
Tart cherry juice also contains quercetin, aplantcompound that may interact with certainmedications,particularly blood thinners. Individuals onmedicationsshould consult a doctor before adding largeamounts of tartcherry juice to their diet. Summary: Tartcherry juice isconsidered safe for most people.
Black cherry juice contains anthocyanins.Theseare antioxidants that give dark red and purple fruitsandvegetables their color. They may help relieve pain caused bygout.While there are no studies about black cherryjuicespecifically, a 2014 study found that tart cherryjuicelowers uric acid — the culprit of gout.