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Asked by: Volusiano Hoffner
religion and spirituality christianityDoes the Catholic Church recognize the Orthodox Church?
Accordingly, how is the Orthodox Church different from the Catholic Church?
The Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Church have been in a state of official schism from one another since the East–West Schism of 1054. The main theological differences with the Catholic Church are the papal primacy and the filioque clause.
Subsequently, one may also ask, can a Catholic go to an Orthodox church?
Mostly yes. If a Catholic is unable to get to a Catholic mass (i.e. in Russia or an Eastern Orthodox nation), they can attend an Orthodox divine liturgy and it will satisfy their Sunday/holy day obligation. All Orthodox sacraments are considered valid by the Church.
a. only the catholic church uses the old and new testaments; the eastern orthodox church uses a distinct text called the deuterocanonical scripture. both use the old and new testaments; however, the eastern orthodox church uses additional scripture the catholic church does not.