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Just so, does Xbox capture record party chat?
The Record that button turns the last 30 secondsof gameplay into a game clip only. You can onlyrecord the game clips using the Xbox App and thisfeature is not applicable to record the XboxLive party chat for privacy and online safetypurposes.
Thereof, does Elgato capture party chat Xbox one?
Xbox One friend chat and party chatwith Elgato Game Capture HD. Now your party chataudio and all other voice audio will go through theHDMI cable to your Elgato Game Capture HD, so it canbe captured.
This means that Game Chat audio from the localgamer will not be recorded by Elgato GameCapture HD. You will still hear audio from other playersduring gameplay, and in your recording. You willstill hear your voice during gameplay, but not in yourrecording.