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Asked by: Lhassan Bierschroder
family and relationships internet safetyDoes the green dot on Facebook mean someone is chatting?
Also know, does the green dot on Facebook mean they are chatting with someone?
Similar to the Facebook Chat panel, a greendot means the user is actively online, a grey crescent moonmeans they're online but idle, and an empty grey circlemeans they're offline or have turned offChat.
Furthermore, what does it mean when someone is active on messenger?
Active Status shows your friends and contacts whenyou're active or recently active on Facebook orMessenger. You'll also see when your friends and contactsare active or recently active.
2 Answers. 'Active Now' with green dotmeans person is online and visible to their Messenger contacts.Refresh the Messenger, if you still see 'Active Now' withoutgreen dot that means they might have their chat turned offor you have turned off your chat.