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Asked by: Hosein Taranco
technology and computing tablets and e readersDoes the iPhone 8 have a notch?
Subsequently, one may also ask, does iPhone 8 plus have Memoji?
Apple added a way in iOS 12 make Animoji morepersonal called Memoji. You can make a Memojithat looks like you, or a fun character. They're easy to create. Itrequires the front-facing True Depth camera to track your face, soyou can't use Animoji or Memoji with the iPhone8 and earlier, or with current iPad models.
Herein, what is notch iPhone?
The notch itself is a thin strip with carefullyrounded corners that meld into the interface rather than a circlethat looks like an ink drop, as in the EssentialPhone.
The iPhone 8 (and iPhone 8+) uses TouchID. The iPhone 8 does not have the requiredhardware to enable FaceID. Only the iPhone Xhas such hardware.