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Asked by: Florent Blumenhofen
home and garden home appliancesDoes the Keurig compact need a filter?
Regarding this, does my Keurig need a filter?
Your Keurig® will thank you with longevityandbetter tasting coffee and tea. The filter can be onyourfridge, your sink, free standing or thesefiltersspecifically designed for classic Keurigmodels or these forKeurig 2.0. You should never usemineral or springwater in your Keurig brewer.
In this manner, how do you use the Keurig compact?
- K-COMPACT™ Use & Care Guide.
- Plug & Place. Remove packing tape from brewer and plugintoa grounded outlet.
- Rinse & Fill.
- NOTE: Do not use distilled water.
- Press power button—the green power lightwillilluminate.
- Lift and lower the handle.
- Before You Brew.
- Lift the handle and place a K-Cup® pod in the K-Cup®podholder.
Each Keurig contains a smallcharcoalfilter, which purifies the water that ends up inyour cup ofcoffee. These filters need to be changed aboutonce everytwo months. To swap out the Keurig filter for anew one,you'll first need to open the top of the machine andremovethe old filter.