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Asked by: Aduna Jacop
automotive road side assistanceDoes the OtterBox Defender have a lifetime warranty?
Thereof, how do you redeem warranty on OtterBox?
WARRANTY CLAIM PROCESS To submit a warranty claim,visit 1-855-688-7269. Any warranty claims must be madebycustomer no later than sixty (60) calendar days aftertheexpiration of the applicableWarrantyPeriod.
Just so, does OtterBox replace your phone if it breaks in the case?
Re: Cracked Phone I've heard several times that if your phoneisdamaged in an Otterbox case, get ahold ofOtterboxand talk to them about it because part oftheOtterbox "guarantee" is that if yourphonebreaks while it's in their case, they'llreplaceit.
Remove the rubber from the case and put intheboiling water for about 30sec - 1 min. Remove therubberfrom the boiling hot water and put on ice cold waterfor about10-20 sec. Dry the silicone case with paper towelor clothand then I hope it will be good as new.