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Asked by: Avencio Zherebin
personal finance life insuranceDoes the OtterBox warranty cover the phone?
Furthermore, does OtterBox replace your phone if it breaks in the case?
Re: Cracked Phone I've heard several times that if your phoneisdamaged in an Otterbox case, get ahold ofOtterboxand talk to them about it because part oftheOtterbox "guarantee" is that if yourphonebreaks while it's in their case, they'llreplaceit.
Also to know is, will OtterBox replace your phone if it breaks while in the case?
Otterbox doesn't replace your phone,justthe case. They will replace the case if ithassome kind of malfunction but idk aboutyourphone. No, only the Otterbox case is undertheirwarranty.
I want to know the cancellation policyforOtterbox orders. Cancellation policy is notmentionedon the site. You can call up the customer serviceimmediately attoll-free number: 855-688-7269 (or call local FortCollins numberat 970-493-8446). (Monday - Friday: 7am-7pm Saturday:8am-5pmSunday: Closed.)