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Asked by: Seedy Vystavkin
books and literature fictionDoes the princess choose the lady or the tiger?
In this way, what does the princess learn in the lady or the tiger?
In "The Lady or the Tiger" by Frank Stockton, the princess learns the secret of the doors. She has discovered which door holds the lady behind it, and which door has the tiger behind it. With this information, she can give a signal to her lover as to which door he should pick.
Likewise, people ask, why would the princess choose the lady?
Reasons the princess chose the door with the lady behind it. She loved her suitor enough that she wanted them to be happy. She could still see the suitor and be friends. She wouldn't have to deal with the guilt of his death.
The theme of the lady or the tiger is jealousy because the rincess let her jealosy take over by sending her lover to the tiger. On the other hand, some say the princess sent her lover to the lady because she was in love with him. However, the princess was too hot-blooded, and let her jealousy take over.