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Asked by: Cesc Urigoen
home and garden interior decoratingDoes the riser sit on top of the tread?
Accordingly, how much should a stair tread overhang the riser?
Nosings, the overhanging portion, must be curved with a radius under 0.56 inches. If the risers are solid, the nosing must project between 0.75 and 1.25 inches, and must be uniform between two stories, with variations of less than 0.375 inches. This applies to nosings on treads and landings.
Beside above, should you nail or screw stair treads?
Don't fasten treads and or risers with only nails or staples. The adhesive is much more important than the fasteners. There will be times when fastening may be limited, so a good adhesive is critical. Don't use the stringer as a level for the treads.
- The maximum allowable stair rise is 7 3/4 inches, and the minimum stair rise is 4 inches. For recommendations on rise-run combos, see the tip below. - The difference between a stair's longest and shortest riser height or stair depth should be no more than 3/8 inch.