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Asked by: Ginesa Davidyuk
technology and computing tablets and e readersDoes the Samsung Tab A have an IR blaster?
Samsung's own Galaxy Tab 4 8.0 canbecurrently found for $200, and it houses an IRblaster,meaning you can use it as a remote. Yet, the GalaxyTab Astill manages to one-up it with the latest version ofAndroid OSand the included software perks.
In this regard, does Samsung Galaxy Tab A have infrared?
Use Your Device's Built-In IRBlaster Samsung Galaxy S4/S5. Samsung Galaxy Tab210.1, 7.0, Tab 3.
Besides, which Samsung has IR Blaster?
Unfortunately, phones with IR blasters aren'tascommon as they used to be. Companies like Samsung andHTChave more or less ditched the technology altogether, butyoucan still find it on smartphones from Chinese brands.
- Huawei P30 Pro.
- Honor 20 and 20 Pro.
- Xiaomi Mi 9.
- Huawei Mate 20 Pro.
- Redmi Note 7 Pro.
- Xiaomi Mi A3.
Most high-end Samsung Galaxy phones andtabletscan be used as a TV remote controlbyusing an application called WatchOn. SamsungWatchOnwill use the IR blasters of your SamsungGalaxydevice to convert it into a remotecontrol.