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Asked by: Alcantara Wallerstein
technology and computing cameras and camcordersDoes the Samsung UBD k8500 support Dolby Atmos?
And the UBD-K8500 can streamadvancedhigh-definition audio codecs such as Dolby True HD,DTS HDMaster Audio, and Dolby Atmos that theXboxcan't.
In respect to this, is the Samsung UBD k8500 region free?
The player we sell here at 220 Electronics isaregion-free model. With our Region FreeSamsungUBD-K8500, you can use it at anyvoltage.
- Sylvania - 10” Portable Blu-ray Player with SwivelScreen- Black.
- LG - Streaming Audio Wi-Fi Built-In Blu-ray Player -Black.
- Sony - UBP-X1100ES - 4K Ultra HD Hi-Res Audio Wi-FiBuilt-InBlu-Ray Player - Black.
- Panasonic - DP-UB9000 - Streaming 4K Ultra HD Hi-Res AudioWi-FiBuilt-In Blu-Ray Player - Black.
Likewise, people ask, what's the best 4k Blu Ray player?
- Panasonic DP-UB9000. The best 4K Blu-ray player on themarketright now.
- Panasonic DP-UB820. A mid-range model that's valueformoney.
- Pioneer UDP-LX500. Assured with both video and audio.
- Oppo UDP-203. One of the best 4K players around (if you canfindit)
- Sony UBP-X800.
- Sony UBP-X700.
- Samsung UBD-M9500.
- Xbox One S/Xbox One X.
Region Free Blu-ray DVDPlayers.Code Free. All models will play discs in anyformatincluding Pal/NTSC/Secam and many of our RegionFreeBlu-ray Players can actually convert any formattoPal/NTSC/Secam output, allowing you to connect yourplayerto any TV in the world without the need for anexternal videoconverter.