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Also question is, what time does overnight mail go out USPS?
Delivering 7 days a week, PriorityMailExpress® is our fastest domesticservicefor time-sensitive letters, documents, ormerchandise.Guaranteed overnight scheduled deliveryto mostlocations2, including PO Boxes™, or yourmoneyback1.
Also asked, does USPS work 24 hours?
It's now almost a 24/7 postal service.Forthe holidays, the U.S. Postal Service will bedeliveringpackages seven days a week, USPS says. Thepostalservice's Thursday announcement comes a dayafter Americanslearned Amazon plans to deliver some packagesvia taxi, a servicethat does run 24/7.
Sometimes our mail isn't delivered until late-yes, even 6:30pm. Usually it is delivered around 2pmthesedays, but for a while it was anywhere from noon to 7pm. We donothave a regular carrier on the route and whoever gets stuck withitthat day delivers it. On Tuesday, our regular mailcarrierhad the day off.