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Asked by: Teofil Momoitio
video gaming exercise and fitness video gamesDoes the wall of flesh spawn behind you?
Also know, how do you summon the wall of flesh after you die?
The Wall of Flesh is summoned when a GuideVoodoo Doll is dropped into lava in The Underworld while the Guideis alive (this must be done in The Underworld; lava in any otherlayer will only kill the Guide and will not summon theWall of Flesh). This will kill the Guide and spawnthe boss immediately.
In this regard, can you summon the wall of flesh at day?
It is recommended that a player refrain fromsummoning the Wall of Flesh until he is ready and willing toengage in the challenges of Hardmode, as the switch from theregular game to the post-game content is irreversible. To summonthe Wall of Flesh, you must throw a Guide Voodoo dollinto the lava of the Underworld.
Gun users will want to use a Phoenix Blaster,Minishark or possibly even a Star Cannon (it takes about 150-160Stars to kill the WoF and the Hungry; this makes the fightfairly easy if you have been hoarding them.). Bow users arebest off using a Molten Fury, Hellwing Bow, The Bee's Knees,or Sharanga .