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Asked by: Julian Roff
music and audio kids and family podcastsDoes this American life still make new episodes?
New episodes are free for ten weeks on podcast apps like Apple Podcasts, Radio Public, Stitcher, etc. Our entire archive — all 600+ episodes — is available to stream or download on our app. You can also stream all episodes on our website or download archived shows from iTunes or Amazon for only $0.99 an episode.
Also question is, where is this American life produced?
This American Life
Other names | Your Radio Playhouse |
Executive producer(s) | Ira Glass |
Recording studio | Chicago, Illinois (1995–2007) New York City, New York (2007–present) |
Original release | November 17, 1995 – present |
No. of episodes | 691 (as of January 10, 2020) |
Also to know is, is this American life free?
New episodes are free for ten weeks on podcast apps like Apple Podcasts, Radio Public, Stitcher, etc. Our entire archive — all 600+ episodes — is available to stream or download on our app.
Ira Glass, host and producer of “This American Life.” 2009–2010: $171,224, base salary of $127,871. 2010–2011: $170,190, base salary of $148,782. Alex Blumberg, producer of “This American Life,” cohost of the Planet Money podcast.