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Properly stored, ground thyme will generally stayat best quality for about 3 to 4 years. No, commercially packagedground thyme does not spoil, but it will start tolose potency over time and not flavor food as intended - thestorage time shown is for best quality only.
Likewise, people ask, how long can thyme last?
about 10 to 14 days
Hereof, how can you tell if thyme has gone bad?
Thyme that is spoiling will typically become softand discolored; discard any thyme that has an off smell orappearance.
But when it comes to quality, the story is different.Over time, spices will lose their potency and not flavoryour food as intended. As a general rule, whole spices willstay fresh for about 4 years, ground spices for about 3 to 4years and dried leafy herbs for 1 to 3 years.