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Asked by: Can Truernit
technology and computing operating systemsDoes Ubuntu support touch screen laptops?
Keeping this in view, does Ubuntu support touch screen?
2 Answers. Yes, it can! According to my experience,Ubuntu 16.04 works perfectly with touch screen and 2in 1 devices. I have Lenovo X230 Tablet and all of its features,including the Wacom stylus (and 3G module), work better underUbuntu than under Windows.
Also know, how do I enable touch screen on Ubuntu?
To enable touchscreen for Ubuntu follow thissteps:
- At first open the terminal from Ubuntu. Genome users go toApplications menu -> Accessories -> Terminal.
- Now type in the commands bellow to install touchscreen driveron Ubuntu.At firsts type in.
- Then restart Ubuntu Linux …
ˈb?ntuː/ ( listen)uu-BUUN-too) is a free and open-source Linux distribution based onDebian. Ubuntu is officially released in three editions:Desktop, Server, and Core (for internet of things devices androbots). All the editions can run on the computer alone, or in avirtual machine.