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Asked by: Lenuta Frankenberger
automotive auto insuranceDoes USAA renters insurance cover phones?
Likewise, people ask, what is covered under USAA renters insurance?
In addition to protecting the contents ofyourhome, the USAA renters insurance policy providesliabilitycoverage. In addition to standard items likeclothing,electronics, and jewelry, the insurance covers fineart,crystal and china, hearing aids, military and sportsequipment,antiques, coins, and stamps.
Simply so, are cell phones covered under renters insurance?
We're often asked if renters insurance coversastolen cell phone and the answer is, yes.Rentersinsurance generally comes with a $500 or $1,000deductible.Depending on your phone, this might only net youa fewdollars after the deductible is met. For that reason,somephones may not be worth making a claim on.
USAA provides excellent rentersinsurancecoverage at very reasonable prices for members of themilitary onbase and off. Despite its excellent coverage, it fallsshort inthat it does not provide loss of use. State Farm, ournumber onerenters insurance company, only covers up to$5,000 inelectronics, for example.