Asked by: Toumany Choco
style and fashion oral care

Does Vaseline corrode plastic?

Yes- vaseline is a petroleum jelly and it can degrade plastics - AND - it is about 8000 weight! It will glue the gears rather than lube them.

Besides, is Vaseline safe for plastic?

Petroleum Jelly - Pure Petroleum Jelly is compatible with plastics and synthetic rubber, but not advisable for natural rubbers. Avoid any relevant products that include additives for moisturizing (such as chapstick) and be sure that the parts it will be interacting with are chemically compatible.

Additionally, does petroleum jelly degrade rubber? While Vaseline and other petroleum products may degrade real rubber (actually made from the rubber tree), current o-rings technology does not use natural rubber. The Parker O-ring Handbook states: Vaseline is a very mild petroleum product.

Secondly, what is a good lubricant for plastic?

Metal-on-Plastic Lubricants with silicone or PTFE (polytetrafluoroethylene) are best for use on plastic surfaces. PTFE is hydrophobic, meaning it repels water, so lubricants containing it are effective in damp conditions. Silicone lubricants make surfaces ultra-slippery and also repel water.

Is petroleum jelly biodegradable?

First warning sign: Because it's an oil byproduct, petroleum jelly is not eco-friendly. Since it's made from a nonrenewable resource, petroleum jelly is immediately a no-go for us. But that's not all. In its purest form, petroleum jelly is supposedly safe.

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Vaseline, or petroleum jelly, is an oil based ointment that people can use to moisturize and soften dry skin. Although Vaseline may work as a sexual lubricant, it can damage latex condoms and increase the risk of infection and unintended pregnancy. It is better to use a water or glycol based lubricant.

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To help unstick your zipper, you can add lubrication to the zipper teeth using chapstick, crayon wax, the end of a graphite pencil, petroleum jelly, and other waxy products or lubricants. For all of these uses, make sure to do a spot test to ensure that the material you're using won't permanently stain the fabric.

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Lubricants with silicone or PTFE (polytetrafluoroethylene) are best for use on plastic surfaces. PTFE is hydrophobic, meaning it repels water, so lubricants containing it are effective in damp conditions. Silicone lubricants make surfaces ultra-slippery and also repel water.

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Yes- vaseline is a petroleum jelly and it can degrade plastics - AND - it is about 8000 weight! It will glue the gears rather than lube them.

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Most plastic gears are capable of running without lubrication or can be embedded with lubricating materials (such as graphite, silicone, or PTFE). If the lubricant isn't compatible with the plastic material, stress cracking or even failure of the plastic can result.

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Apparently common silicone oil isn't good for lubricating metal sleeve bearings, but neither is WD40. WD40 is good for removing water and preventing rust temporarily.

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Spray Silicone Lubricant on Wiper Blades. To eliminate this noisy issue, first clean your windshield wiper blades with a bit of soap and water and then coat the moving parts with some spray silicone lubricant. The silicone will keep the wiper blades running smoothly and quietly throughout the winter months.

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WD-40® Specialist®Water Resistant Silicone Lubricant safely lubricates, waterproofs and protects metal and non-metal surfaces such as rubber, plastic and vinyl. This formula dries fast and leaves a clear, non-staining film that doesn't stick or make a mess.

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Super Lube® Multi-Purpose Synthetic Oil is dielectric, food grade, clean and environmentally friendly. It is safe on metal, wood, leather, fabric, painted surfaces, most plastics and rubbers. For rubber and plastic applications see Compatibility Chart under Technical Resources.

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Lubricants are commonly used on O-rings and other elastomeric seals. Using a grease or an oil at assembly helps protect the O-ring from damage by abrasion, pinching, or cutting. It helps protect some polymers from degradation by atmosphere, and its presence helps extend the service life of the O-ring.

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With a piece of sponge i apply VASELINE pure Petroleum Jelly on tires once or twice a year. If they re in use i'm just carefull not to cover the surfaces that come in touch with the road. If they're removed for storage i cover all.In a few hours the rubber absorbs the jelly with amaging results.

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Grease (lubricant) Grease is a semisolid lubricant. For example, petroleum jellies such as Vaseline are not generally classified as greases. Greases are applied to mechanisms that can be lubricated only infrequently and where a lubricating oil would not stay in position.

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Like Daniel said, a good rule of thumb is to keep oils off rubber and plastics. Some will damage them, some will preserve them, but you don't want either type on your tires.