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Asked by: Badia Labarrere
technology and computing operating systemsDoes Wake on LAN work when computer is off?
Just so, can Wake on LAN turn off a computer?
Remotely Shutdown a Computer onaLAN To do this, open your Start menu and then gotoSettings > Control Panel > Security Center. OpenWindowsFirewall and click the Exceptions tab. Select the line thatreadsFile Sharing and printers and press OK.
Beside above, how do I disable Wake on LAN Windows 10?
Press Windows key + X to bring up the hiddenquickaccess menu, and select Device Manager. ExpandNetworkadapters in the device tree, select your Ethernetadapter,right-click it and then select Properties. Then select thePowerManagement tab and check off all three boxesshownbelow.
Shut down machines remotely fromanycomputer on the network by clicking the Startbuttonin the lower-left corner of your screen, selecting"AllPrograms," "Accessories" and then "Command Prompt."Type"shutdown /i" (without the quotes) and press "Enter" toopenthe remote shutdown dialog box.