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Asked by: Cecila Durac
style and fashion womens intimates and sleepwearDoes wearing Spanx help lose weight?
Hereof, does wearing shapewear help you lose weight?
Many researchers have found that wearingshapewear can help someone to shed some extraweight. Shapewear is a type of garment that gives offcompression to many areas of the body, helping to create aslimmer looking appearance. This means it can help tocompress stomach fat, hip fat, thigh fat, arm fat etc.
Similarly, do Spanx make you look thinner?
Spanx makes several claims across their differentproducts, but the general gist of it is that these garments willmake you look slimmer, give you a better shape, andbe comfortable to wear.
Although you may appear thinner when you wear agirdle, the girdle doesn't strengthen or toneyour abdominal muscles. Girdles just temporarilycompress and redistribute fat and skin around the abdomen. When itcomes to a flat stomach, diet and exercise — notundergarments — are what count.