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Similarly one may ask, is Whiting fish bony?
Whiting Whiting, (species Gadus, or Merlangius,merlangus), common marine food fish of the cod family,Gadidae. Wolffish Wolffish, any of five species of largelong-bodied fishes of the family Anarhichadidae (orderPerciformes), found in northern Atlantic and Pacificwaters.
Considering this, what kind of fish has no bones?
The boneless fish are sharks, skates, and rays.They have cartilage structures but no conventionalbones. What are some examples of boneless fish toeat?
Gadiformes (cod-like) The fish originally known by the name"whiting" in English is Merlangius merlangus, in the familyGadidae. This species inhabits the eastern Atlantic Ocean and theMediterranean Sea, as well as the North Sea on the East Coast ofBritain. In the USA, it is commonly known as the Englishwhiting.