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Asked by: Keenan Palmeiroo
technology and computing computer peripheralsDoes whole house need surge protection?
Besides, is a whole house surge protector worth the money?
1. A whole home surge protector is a pretty good investment. It won't prevent damage in every case, but it is pretty cheap insurance and will probably be more than adequate for most homes.
Also know, what does a whole house surge protector cost?
Buying a whole house surge protector The really inexpensive SPDs start at about 10kA. They can handle one really large surge and then they're toast—so they're a bad long-term investment. Instead, look for an SPD with a minimum rating of 50kA. It'll last longer than a 10kA device.
If it's really old—like you don't remember when you bought it—it's probably not protecting you and you should toss it. If you're aware of your surge protector taking a big hit, you should probably toss it too. Otherwise, a good rule of thumb is to replace them about every two years.