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Asked by: Mahyub Gamelas
technology and computing operating systemsDoes Windows 10 have HyperTerminal?
HyperTerminal and Windows 10
Microsoft phased out HyperTerminal, and ithasnot been included in a Windows OS since WindowsXPand is not a part of Windows 10.Organizationsworking with Windows 10 can downloadHyperTerminalseparately, and it does work withtheOS.
Beside this, what replaced HyperTerminal in Windows 10?
1. PuTTy: PuTTy is a free, open sourcewindowsbased terminal emulator which is probably thebestHyperTerminal alternative. It is the combination ofTelnetand SSH.
Keeping this in consideration, how do I open Terminal on Windows 10?
Tap the Search button on the taskbar, type cmd inthesearch box and choose Command Prompt on the top. Way 3:OpenCommand Prompt from Quick Access Menu. PressWindows+X, orright-click the bottom-left corner toopen the menu, andthen select Command Prompt onit.
Alternatives to HyperTerminal
- PuTTY. PuTTY is a free and open-source terminal emulator,serialconsole and network file transfer application.
- JuiceSSH. The all in one terminal client for AndroidincludingSSH, Local Shell, Mosh and Telnet support.
- Royal TSX.
- YAT - Yet Another Terminal.
- RealTerm.
- CuteCom.
- Putty for Mac.