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Asked by: Williams Agadzhanov
technology and computing programming languagesDoes Xcode work on iPad pro?
Herein, can you develop iOS apps on iPad pro?
There is an iPad/iPhone app, calledPythonista, that allows you to write and run python scriptson an iPad and iPhones. If you want to make iOSapp using Xcode then probably not. You can useiPad for learning Swift programming language usingApple's Swift Playgrounds app though.
Subsequently, one may also ask, can you program swift on iPad?
Kinda, earlier this year at WWDC (Apple's developerconference), a new app called 'Swift Playgrounds' wasannounced. So yes, you can write Swift on aniPad, but, it's bare-bones Swift, meaning youcan't write apps. You can just write pureSwift.
For your iPad you may install an app to youriPad to Do java programming. You can use thisPico Compiler - java code editor, ide and offline compileron the App Store .