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Asked by: Yapci Riquito
personal finance credit cardsDoes your credit score go down if you get rejected?
In this way, how many points does your credit score go down when you are rejected?
That causes a slight drop in your credit score. If you're rejected for that loan and immediately try to get another one, the process is repeated. According to Experian, you lose between five and 10 points from your credit score with each new hard inquiry.
Similarly, is being denied a credit card bad?
Does Getting Denied for a Credit Card Hurt Your Credit Scores? By itself, a denied credit card application won't have a significant effect on your credit scores—but that's not the whole story. Every time you apply for any type of new credit, it results in what is called a hard inquiry on your credit report.
Here's how to get your free annual credit reports. Hard credit inquiries remain on your credit report for two years, but most scoring models include only those from the past 12 months.