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Asked by: January Parrales
hobbies and interests stamps and coinsHas there ever been buried treasure found?
Keeping this in consideration, what is the most treasure ever found?
10 of the Most Valuable Treasure Troves Ever Found
- Staffordshire Hoard - 2009 | Value: $4.1 Million.
- The Le Catillon II Hoard - 2012 | Value: Over 10 Million Pounds.
- St.
- Hoxne Hoard - 1992 | Value: $3.8 Million.
- The Cuerdale Hoard - 1840 | Value: $3.2 Million.
- Środa Treasure - 1885 - 1888 | Value: $120 Million.
- Caesarea Sunken Treasure - 2015 | Value: Priceless.
- Look in the basement, attic, and garage of your home.
- Do a sweep of your backyard to see if there are any hidden gems.
- Check around your home for any hidden doors or compartments.
- Inspect garbage and recycling bins to search for discarded treasure.
Besides, how much buried treasure is there?
All this undersea treasure hunting got us wondering: Just how much money is out there buried at sea? We put the question to marine archeologists, a historian, and a shipwreck hunter. Their answers ranged from "Who knows?" to "$60 billion"—and each was instructive.
If your find can't be considered treasure, you are legally required to take it to the police. It will go into their custody and be handled like any other case of lost property. However, if you've got a bonafide treasure trove you're probably in luck.