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Asked by: Enache Lacatus
sports poker and professional gamblingHow are casinos legal in California?
Also asked, what is illegal gambling in California?
California's state law doesnotspecifically make gambling legal or illegal:rather,it makes certain forms of gambling illegal. Forexample,traditional craps (played with dice) is illegalinCalifornia.
Consequently, are slots illegal in California?
Slot machines are not legal inCaliforniaas well as any game of chance against the house orcasino. Indianreservations are their own sovereign lands andentities and as suchthey are able to make their own laws andrules regardinggaming. That is why they are theexceptions.
California law regulates the types of gamesthatcan be played and the municipalities regulate if casinoscanbe operated within the city limit. Traditional Blackjackisillegal because a game where 21 is the ultimate handvalueis illegal (Thanks Nevada).