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Asked by: Suellen Lapkin
business and finance interest ratesHow are interest rates determined in the money market?
Accordingly, how are interest rates determined?
In the U.S., interest rates are determined by the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC), which consists of seven governors of the Federal Reserve Board and five Federal Reserve Bank presidents. The FOMC meets eight times a year to determine the near-term direction of monetary policy and interest rates.
Herein, how is equilibrium interest rate determined in the money market?
Money market equilibrium. occurs at the interest rate at which the quantity of money demanded is equal to the quantity of money supplied. The market for money is in equilibrium if the quantity of money demanded is equal to the quantity of money supplied. Here, equilibrium occurs at interest rate r.
The United States Federal Reserve Bank influences interest rates by setting certain rates, stipulating bank reserve requirements, and buying and selling “risk-free” (a term used to indicate that these are among the safest in existence) U.S. Treasury and federal agency securities to affect the deposits that banks hold