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Asked by: Dakota Hicham
technology and computing data storage and warehousingHow are magnets used in laptops?
Also asked, can you put a magnet on a laptop?
The answer is almost certainly “no”.Technically it's possible to damage a laptop's hard drivewith a magnet, but it would take a very powerfulmagnet to do the job. There are other magnetsthat you can use to guarantee the destruction of yourlaptop, if that's your aspiration.
Correspondingly, how are magnets used in a computer?
Using magnets Magnets are used to store data incomputers, and are important in scanning machines calledMRIs (magnetic resonance imagers), which doctors use to lookinside people's bodies. The tiny magnetic regions on acomputer hard disk are only 200nm (200 billionths of ameter) wide.
10 Uses for Magnets
- Use magnets to:
- Locate metal studs in a wall.
- Seal off air-conditioning vents to improve home heating byplacing vinyl-coated sheets over the steel register faces.
- Hang Polaroids of projects-in-process on the lip of a metalshelf above the workbench.
- Collect nails from a porch repair job that have fallen in thegrass.