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Asked by: Fayssal Aierbe
science geologyHow are minerals classified on the basis of their origin?
Besides, how are minerals classified on the basis of their origin composition?
Minerals are classified on the basis of their chemical composition, which is expressed in their physical properties. This module, the second in a series on minerals, describes the physical properties that are commonly used to identify minerals. These include color, crystal form, hardness, density, luster, and cleavage.
Then, what are minerals classified by?
Minerals are classified according to chemical composition. There are seven major chemical groups. There are also several minor groups. These include: the sulfosalts, nitrates, borates, tungstates and molybdates, and the phosphates, arsenates, and vanadates.
Minerals can be found throughout the world in the earth's crust but usually in such small amounts that they not worth extracting. Only with the help of certain geological processes are minerals concentrated into economically viable deposits. Mineral deposits can only be extracted where they are found.