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Asked by: Xiaoyi Daryapurkar
music and audio science and medicine podcastsHow are participants randomly allocated?
In this way, how do you randomly allocate participants in psychology?
Study participants are randomly assigned to different groups, such as the experimental group, or treatment group. Random assignment might involve such tactics as flipping a coin, drawing names out of a hat, rolling dice, or assigning random numbers to participants.
Correspondingly, how do you randomly assign participants in an experiment?
Random assignment or random placement is an experimental technique for assigning human participants or animal subjects to different groups in an experiment (e.g., a treatment group versus a control group) using randomization, such as by a chance procedure (e.g., flipping a coin) or a random number generator.
random allocation: refers to the how experimenters divide participants into each experimental condition, to reduce any bias in the distribution of participantcharacteristics. random sample: a technique for obtaining participants, whereby every member of the population has an equal chance of being selected.