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Asked by: Abdourahmane Giusti
business and finance media industryHow are press releases distributed?
Also to know is, what is press release distribution?
Press release distribution sendsyourrelease out to different locations, or postyourrelease on a single website. The number one waythatpress releases make their way to the public is vianewswireservices. A newswire service is service that journalistsuse tosearch for press releases to run invariousmedia.
Simply so, what are the types of press releases?
Here's a brief rundown of six common types ofpressreleases:
- General News.
- Launch Release.
- Event Press Release.
- Product Press Release.
- Executive, Staff And Employee Press Release.
- Expert Position Press Release.
- Using Press Releases Effectively.
A press release is a written communicationthatreports specific but brief information about anevent,circumstance, product launch, or other happening. It'stypicallytied to a business or organization and provided tomediathrough a variety of means.