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Asked by: Sadik Garcia Casarrubios
food and drink barbecues and grillingHow are red pepper flakes made?
Similarly, it is asked, are chili flakes and red pepper flakes the same thing?
Yes. These are two termsfor thesame exact spice that's created from crushingdifferentvarieties of red chili peppers, but most often witha baseof cayenne pepper.
Moreover, how hot is red pepper flakes?
The heat varies depending on the supplier you getyourred pepper flakes from. We consider our RedPepperFlakes to be a hot chile with their heat leveltippingthe scales at 30,000-35,000 SHU (Scoville HeatUnits).
Where cayenne powder is made from onlythecayenne pepper (30,000 to 50,000 Scoville heatunits),crushed red pepper (or red pepper flakes)istypically made from three or four different chilies.Becausecrushed red pepper is a mix, chilies can be used thatare awhole lot hotter than cayenne.