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Asked by: Osmel Faroleiro
science physicsHow are the magnetic domains arranged in a magnetic material?
Also asked, how are magnetic domains arranged differently in a magnetized material?
This means they build little domains whereacluster of atoms all have their magnetic field in thesamedirection. If the material is not magnetized, allthedomains will point in different directions. Butyoucan magnetize the material and have alldomainsarranged in the same direction.
In this way, how are atoms arranged in a magnetic material?
For a macroscopic object made of atoms to beamagnet, the atoms' magnetic fields in ithaveto align with each other. This gives an overall verylargemagnetic field. However, a pencil's atomsarearranged in such a way that their north andsouthmagnetic poles are lined up randomly, also shown inFigureBEM.1.
Magnetic Raw Materials The five types are, alnico, ferrite, flexible rubberandthe rare earth magnets samarium cobaltandneodymium.