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Asked by: Jano Flototto
books and literature fictionHow are these terms related plausible and believable?
Then, what means the same as plausible?
adjective. having an appearance of truthorreason;seemingly worthy of approval or acceptance;credible;believable: aplausible excuse; a plausibleplot.well-spoken andapparently, but often deceptively, worthyofconfidence or trust: aplausible commentator.
In this regard, what is the synonym of believable?
credible, creditable, likely,plausible,presumptive,probable. Words Related to believable.cogent,compelling,conclusive, convincing, decisive, effective,forceful,persuasive,satisfying, strong, telling. acceptable,cogitable,conceivable,imaginable, possible, practical,reasonable.dependable,reliable,
(5) She was so plausible she wouldhavedeceivedanyone. (6) He was so plausible that heconnedeverybody.(7) It was a very plausible pieceofdisinformation. (8) Istood still, trying to inventaplausibleexcuse.