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Asked by: Nickole Carrapatoso
hobbies and interests scrapbookingHow are trees processed into paper?
People also ask, what is the process of making paper?
Paper is made in two steps: Cellulose fibers areextracted from a variety of sources and converted to pulp. Pulp iscombined with water and placed on a paper making machinewhere it is flattened, dried, and cut into sheets androlls.
Moreover, what kind of trees are paper made from?
Types of Trees from Which Paper IsMade This is in comparison with the hardwood shortercellulose fibers. Major tree types in the softwoods categoryare spruce, pine, fir, larch, and hemlock. Eucalyptus is a hardwoodthat has largely been used for paperproduction.
Over the centuries, paper has been madefrom a wide variety of materials — wood pulp,rice, water plants, cotton, even old clothes! But no matterwhat you use to make paper — you need“fiber.” Today's paper fiber comes mainly fromtwo sources — pulpwood logs and recycled paperproducts.