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Asked by: Ornela Diaz Pinto
home and garden landscapingHow big do miniature butterfly bushes get?
Simply so, how big do butterfly bushes get?
Although butterfly bushes tolerate severe pruning to maintain a smaller size, you can reduce the time you'll spend pruning by planting it in a location with plenty of room for the plant to develop its natural size and shape. Butterfly bushes grow from 6 to 12 feet tall with a spread of 4 to 15 feet.
Correspondingly, are dwarf butterfly bushes invasive?
While the plant is enjoyed by many, butterfly bush does have detractors. In many areas of the United States, it's actually considered an invasive plant—one that does not naturally grow in a particular region but which is pervasive enough to push out native plants.
Caring for Butterfly Bushes Remove spent flower spikes to encourage new shoots and flower buds. In addition, it is important to deadhead the flowers just as they start to wither so that this invasive plant doesn't spread volunteer seeds. Deadheading of this invasive is now required in many states.