Asked by: Jona Cantelar
travel polar travel

How big is the Arctic Circle?

The Arctic Circle is roughly 16,000 km (9,900 mi)long. The area north of the Circle is about 20,000,000km2 (7,700,000 sq mi) and covers roughly 4% of Earth'ssurface. The Arctic Circle passes through the ArcticOcean, the Scandinavian Peninsula, North Asia, Northern America,and Greenland.

Then, how large is the Arctic Circle?

The arctic region of the world is thenorthernmost area of the world covering approximately 14.5 millionsquare kilometers (5.5 million square miles) and is described threeways. One definition of the arctic is any land north of theArctic Circle, which is the latitude of 66° 33'44” (or 66.5622°).

Likewise, what percentage of the world is the Arctic? (o). Introduction to the Oceans
Surface Percent of Earth's Total Surface Area Area Square Kilometers
Atlantic Ocean 20.8% 76,762,000
Indian Ocean 14.4% 68,556,000
Southern Ocean 4.0% 20,327,000
Arctic Ocean 2.8% 14,056,000

Hereof, what is and where is the Arctic Circle?

The Arctic Circle is one of the five majorcircles of latitude that mark maps of the Earth. This is theparallel of latitude that (in 2000) runs 66.56083 degrees north ofthe Equator. Everything north of this circle is known as theArctic, and the zone just to the south of this circleis the Northern Temperate Zone.

Where is the Arctic located in the world?

The Arctic is a region of the planet, north ofthe Arctic Circle, and includes the Arctic Ocean,Greenland, Baffin Island, other smaller northern islands, and thefar northern parts of Europe, Russia (Siberia), Alaska andCanada.

Related Question Answers

Macarena Fiter


Who Owns the Arctic?

In summary, the Law of the Sea Treaty grants significantundersea portions of the Arctic to Canada, the UnitedStates, Russia, Norway and Denmark. These nations gain claim to thenatural resources on, above and beneath the ocean floor up to 200miles from their shoreline.

Lola Schmidtpeter


Why is Arctic Circle at 66.5 degrees?

During the winter Solstice there is no sunlight strikingthe ground above 66.5° because the axial tilt happens tocorrespond to where the sun would strike at Zero degrees onthe sphere of the Earth (as opposed to 90° straight above atthe equator at Equinox), so it represents a circle of 24hour darkness.

Hammadi Gastesi


How cold is the Arctic Circle?

Average January temperatures range from about −34°C to 0 °C (−29 to +32 °F), and wintertemperatures can drop below −50 °C (−58 °F)over large parts of the Arctic. Average July temperaturesrange from about −10 to +10 °C (14 to 50 °F), withsome land areas occasionally exceeding 30 °C (86 °F) insummer.

Erika Garoz


Where are polar bears found?

Habitat. Polar bears live in countries that ringthe Arctic Circle: Canada, Russia, the United States (in Alaska),Greenland and Norway.

Earle Usategui


How far is Arctic Circle from Fairbanks?

The Arctic Circle is 198 road miles fromFairbanks on the Dalton Highway. If you reach the ArcticCircle, make certain you come by the Morris Thompson Cultural& Visitors Center and get your Arctic CircleCertificate!

Magatte Marin


What country is the North Pole in?

Currently, no country owns the North Pole.It sits in international waters. The closest land is Canadianterritory Nunavut, followed by Greenland (part of the Kingdom ofDenmark). However, Russia, Denmark and Canada have staked claims tothe mountainous Lomonosov Ridge that runs under thepole.

Marieme Pontekorvo


What do polar bears eat?

Food Preferences & Resources
Polar bears feed mainly on ringed and beardedseals. Depending upon their location, they also eat harp andhooded seals and scavenge on carcasses of beluga whales, walruses,narwhals, and bowhead whales. On occasion, polar bears killbeluga whales and young walruses.

Kristiana Formann


Is the Arctic Circle land or ice?

The Arctic Circle passes through NorthernAmerica, Greenland, North Asia, the Scandinavian Peninsula, and theArctic Ocean. Norway, Sweden, Finland, Russia, the UnitedStates (Alaska), Canada, Denmark (Greenland), and Iceland are the 8countries containing land in the ArcticCircle.

Yisel Eagle


Do people still live in the Arctic?

In total, only about 4 million people live in theArctic worldwide, and in most countries indigenouspeople make up a minority of the Arctic population.Archaeologists and anthropologists now believe that peoplehave lived in the Arctic for as much as twenty thousandyears.

Eralia Polivanov


What is the closest city to the Arctic Circle?

Very few people live north of the Arctic Circledue to the cold conditions. The four largest communities above theArctic Circle are situated in Russia and Norway; Murmansk(population 307,257), Norilsk (175,365), Tromsø (71,590) andVorkuta (70,548).

Zion Halaev


Does anyone live in the Arctic Circle?

Only four million people live north of theArctic Circle due to the climate; nonetheless, some areashave been settled for thousands of years by indigenous peoples, whotoday make up 10% of the region's population.

Maurilia Dicu


Why is it called Arctic Circle?

In the Arctic, during summer there are nightswhen the Sun never sets. This is because during summer there, theNorth Pole points toward the Sun. So, sometimes people callit the Land of the Midnight Sun. The word comes from the Greek wordαρκτος, meaning"bear".

Aurelina LXXXXVI


What does Arctic Circle mean?

Arctic Circle in British
noun. the imaginary circle round the earth,parallel to the equator, at latitude 66° 32′ N; it marksthe northernmost point at which the sun appears above the level ofthe horizon on the winter solstice. Collins EnglishDictionary. Copyright © HarperCollinsPublishers.

Sameh Muizhel


Where does the Arctic Circle begin?

The Arctic Circle is an imaginary line around theEarth (at about 66°33' North Latitude) that defines theboundary of the Arctic. It marks the start of thearea where, for at least one day each year, the sun does notcompletely set (June 21) or rise (December 22).

Xinfeng Casina


Hussam Zota


Why the Arctic Circle is important?

The Arctic and Antarctic Circles are veryimportant on Earth maps. The Arctic Circle is at alatitude of 66.5 degrees north of the Equator. This imaginarycircle is the southernmost latitude in the NorthernHemisphere where the sun can remain above or below the horizon for24 hours (June 21st and December 21st).

Antal Riera


Is there land at the North Pole?

Unlike Antarctica, there's no land at theNorth Pole. Instead it's all ice that's floating on top of theArctic Ocean.

Khan Aguila


Do you pronounce the C in Arctic?

The first “c” in the wordarctic is not silent. The word is pronounced ahrk-tik, notahrt-tik. I know that countless meteorologists and reporters willsay it incorrectly, and this common mistake will undoubtedlylead to more widespread acceptance and perhaps even a secondaryspelling (artic).

Willetta Arzubia


Which ocean is the largest?

The Pacific Ocean is the largest and deepest ofthe world ocean basins. Covering approximately 63 million squaremiles and containing more than half of the free water on Earth, thePacific is by far the largest of the world's ocean basins.All of the world's continents could fit into the Pacificbasin.