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Asked by: Hermelinda Kallenborn
travel south america travelHow big is the wall that Trump wants to build?
Correspondingly, how much of Trump's border wall has been built?
In March 2018, the Trump administration secured$1.6bn from Congress for projects at the border for existingdesigns of approximately 100 miles of new and replacementwalls.
Similarly, what is the purpose of the border wall?
A border barrier is a separation barrier thatruns along an international border. Such barriers aretypically constructed for border control purposessuch as curbing illegal immigration, human trafficking, andsmuggling.
The net worth of Donald Trump, the 45thpresident of the United States, is approximately $3.1 billionaccording to Forbes as of 5 March 2019, whereas Bloomberg estimatedhis wealth at $2.8 billion.