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Asked by: Yoseba Schotteldreyer
family and relationships divorceHow can financial problems affect a marriage?
Financial stress can really put a strainona marriage though. Some of the effects offinancialstress are (but not limited to) anxiety,depression, alcoholism,sever health issues, eatingdisorders and even the inabilityto sleep. Each of these thingscan greatly effect amarriage.
Also question is, does money affect marriage?
In other words, money affects marriage andcancause stress in marriage, and can even lead to thecollapseof a marriage. However, money issues can alsomakethe two of you stronger in your relationship, and you canbecomecontent and live a well-off, but budgeted,lifestyle.
Similarly, what are the major problems in marriage?
8 Common Problems in Married Life
- Infidelity. Infidelity is one of the most commonmarriageproblems in relationships.
- Sexual differences.
- Values and beliefs.
- Life Stages.
- Traumatic situations.
- Stress.
- Boredom.
- Jealousy.
Follow these nine steps one step at a time so you andyourspouse can easily get accustomed to healthyfinancialhabits.
- Start Talking About Finances.
- Write Down Goals.
- Discuss Bank Accounts.
- Build an Emergency Fund.
- Design a Budget.
- Track Your Budget.
- Have Weekly Money Meetings.
- Save for Retirement.