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Asked by: Aduen Schnugg
religion and spirituality atheismHow can I be spiritual without religion?
- Make small connections with your higher consciousnesseveryday.
- Do something you love to do.
- Do something for others without expecting anythinginreturn.
- Turn the TV off.
- Read books that will lift your spirits and leave youfeelingexcited about life and human nature.
Furthermore, how can I be spiritual without going to church?
Here are 9 ways on how to be spiritual and connect withGodwithout going to church:
- Slow down.
- Meditate or pray.
- Enjoy the outdoors.
- Stay open to finding God within yourself.
- Look for God in each person you meet.
- Stay open to experiencing the Spirit in unexpected places.
- Find music that touches your soul.
- Be patient with people. Patience is a virtue.
- Pray to God when you're in hard times, and better ones.
- Read the central document of your religion, if thereisone.
- Do not sin.
- Follow the rules.
- Be nice to your friends and your enemies.
- Go to a place of worship, if your religion has one.
- Believe in God.
In this manner, what does spiritual but not religious mean?
"Spiritual but not religious" (SBNR), alsoknownas "Spiritual but not affiliated" (SBNA), is apopularphrase and initialism used to self-identify a life stanceofspirituality that takes issue with organizedreligionas the sole or most valuable means offurtheringspiritual growth.
The Seventh-day Adventist Church is aProtestantChristian denomination which is distinguished by itsobservance ofSaturday, the seventh day of the week inChristian andJewish calendars, as the Sabbath, and its emphasis onthe imminentSecond Coming (advent) of Jesus Christ.