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Asked by: Edelgard Strass
automotive auto insuranceHow can I check my driving Licence status in Tamilnadu?
Keeping this in consideration, how do I check the status of my drivers license?
The applicant can visit the RTO or the RegionalTransport Office to check the status. To do the samethe token number needs to be shown at the enquiry window.You can also check your driving license statusenquiry Online.
Also know, how can I check my driving Licence online in India?
To check driving licence online you have tofollow some simple steps. Here is the steps for 'drivinglicence originality check'. Step 1 - on google and click on search. Step 2 - aftersearch click on 'status of licence' option within the firstsearch result.
How to Find Out if My Pennsylvania License isSuspended. You can contact the Keystone State'sDriver and Vehicle Services in person, by mail, phone or email.You will have to pay a fee if you order a copy ofyour driving record to do so.