Asked by: Halina Hinostroza
personal finance options

How can I complain against PF?

To lodge the complaint you must have your EPFUANnumber. This has been made mandatory from 1January2016.
  1. One can lodge the complaint if one is EPFmemberpensioner or employer.
  2. One can raise the complaints against one'semployer(company) or concerned EPFO.
  3. There is a timeline of 30 days for resolving the issue.

Similarly, it is asked, how can I contact EPF customer care?

1800 118 005

Also, how can I check my EPF complaint status? Select your status as PF Member, EPSPensioner,Employer or other.

You will be able to check EPF Grievance status from thesamewebsite.
  1. Click on “VIEW STATUS” link from thenavigationmenu.
  2. You will be taken to the page where you need toenterRegistration number along with password used forloggingcomplaint.

Accordingly, what is PF grievance?

Grievance or complaint with respect toemployee'sprovident fund such as provident fundcontribution,withdrawal or transfer can be initiated with the helpof thissystem. The Employees Provident Fund Organisation(EPFO) hasan online grievance managementsystem(EPFiGMS).

How will the PF amount be credited?

When an employee applies for EPF claim onlinethenit takes 5-30 days to get the PF amount into thebankaccount. When an employee applies for the claim in offlinemodethen it takes 20-30 days. But the amount iscredited2-3 days after the NEFT date mentioned in the Statuson EPFsite.

Related Question Answers

Aboubaker Visvayu


How can I contact PF customer care?

Ans: EPF Customer Care Number / EPFTollFree Number is 1800-118-005. You can easily file acomplaint orresolve your queries by using this EPF customer carecontactnumber.

Idoya Villarino


Where do I contact PF related queries?

1- EPF 24×7 Customer Care Number- 1800118005.

Simona Jardim


How can I know my PF toll free number?

Members registered on the UAN portal may gettheirdetails available with EPFO by giving a missed callto011-22901406 from their registered Mobile number.Ifthe UAN of the member is seeded with any oneofthe Bank A/C number, AADHAAR and PANthemember will get details of last contribution andPFBalance.

Brunilda Saleem


How can I complaint against EPF office?

To lodge the complaint you must have your EPFUANnumber. This has been made mandatory from 1January2016.
  1. One can lodge the complaint if one is EPF member pensioneroremployer.
  2. One can raise the complaints against one's employer (company)orconcerned EPFO.
  3. There is a timeline of 30 days for resolving the issue.

Lucimar Eilerts


Can we have 2 UAN numbers?

– Answer is NO. Ideally an Employee who is aEPFmember can have only one UAN but canhavemultiple member-IDs linked to it. There are many instanceswheretwo UAN numbers have been allotted by EPFOthroughtwo different employers/establishments.

Diadie Vozdvijensky


Danish Panth


What is PF number?

PF Number is also called as Member ID. Ananalogywould be Bank account number and PAN. Universalaccountnumber or UAN a 12-digit number allotted toeachEmployee Provident Fund member by the Employee ProvidentFundOrganization(EPFO) which gives him control of hisEPFaccount and minimizes the role of employer.

Gautama Heinze


How can I check my PF transfer status through tracking ID?

Select 'Know Your Claim Status' whichisavailable under the 'Services' option. Once you click on that,youwill be taken to another portal from where you cantrackyour claim status. For this, you need to log inusing yourUAN number and captcha. After filing in the credentials,click on'search'.

Alimou Cachapa


How is a grievance filed?

A grievance is defined as a formalwrittencomplaint. There are many situations in which you might wanttofile a grievance: because your employer has treatedyouunfairly, because a company has provided inferior goodsorservices, or because you have been denied coverage underaninsurance contract.

Dee Schonhoff


Where can I raise my PF grievance?

EPFiGMS is a customised portal of EPFO with an aimtoredress grievances for the services provided byEPFO.Grievances can be lodged at any place and will landinconcerned office to which the grievancespertain.Grievances can be sent to Head office at New Delhior to thefield offices now 135 across the country.

Adei Madriñan


What is grievance registration?

The Pension Grievance Registration AndMonitoringSystem (PENGRAMS), is an online computerised system whichhas beendeveloped with an objective of speedy redress andeffectivemonitoring of the grievances besides providing afast accessto the pensioners. It offers the followingfacilities:Register the Grievance.

Gigi Mattiesen


How do you file a complaint against a company?

To file a complaint, just, and answer the questions. Or callThat'sall there is to it. If you've been ripped off or scammed,complainto the Federal Trade Commission. It can help put the badguys outof business.

Birthe Pastelero


How do I register my grievance for PF?

  1. Visit epfigms Website.
  2. Click on Register Grievance.
  3. Choose the status from the dropdown( Choose from PF member,EPSpensioner, Employer and others)
  4. Enter PF Number.
  5. Office to which grievance pertains.
  6. Enter name of establishment, address of establishment.
  7. Enter personal details like name, address, contactdetails.

Germina Bauhs


How can I claim my pension from EPF?

You can claim your PF online only if you meet thefollowingconditions :
  1. You must be allotted a UAN number and it shouldbeactivated.
  2. Your mobile number must be registered with the UAN.
  3. Your bank details must be seeded into the UAN.
  4. Your PAN and Aadhaar should be seeded into theEPFOdatabase.

Anisoara Husseck


How do I know my PF office?

How to know your PF claim status
  1. I.
  2. Visit the EPFO website link here.
  3. Step 1: Go to 'Click here for knowing the claim status'
  4. Step 2: On the next page, select the state where your PFofficeis, say Maharashtra.
  5. Step 3: Upon selecting the state, various regional officeswillbe shown.

Sian Mokin


How can I track my PF?

Easy and Accurate ITR Filing on ClearTax
  1. Step 1: Go to the EPFO portal. Click on Our services>ForEmployees.
  2. Step 2: Click on 'Know Your PF Status'
  3. Step 3: Enter your UAN and enter the captcha image.
  4. Step 4: Enter the following details.
  5. Step 5: Click on the 'Submit' button to check the status ofyourPF claim.

Wenwu Sturzenbecher


How can I contact EPF?

UAN helpdesk is an online contact centreavailableon the EPFO's website to help employees and employerswithEPF related services. The contact number forUANhelpdesk is 1800 118 005.

Zhiyuan Mcpherson


How can I complaint against EPF?

To lodge the complaint you must have your EPFUANnumber. This has been made mandatory from 1January2016.
  1. One can lodge the complaint if one is EPF member pensioneroremployer.
  2. One can raise the complaints against one's employer (company)orconcerned EPFO.
  3. There is a timeline of 30 days for resolving the issue.

Foad Margiotta


Why my PF claim is still under process?

So, whenever your EPF claim status showspaymentunder process it means your claim wasinprocess, once EPFO sends money to your bank accountthenyou will receive a message that claims settled, moneysentto your bank account by NEFT.