Asked by: Tegan Sauto
home and garden smart home

How can I delete my snapdeal account permanently?

Firstly go to the following url
  1. You should log in with your snap deal account.
  2. Scroll down until you find out contact costumer care.
  3. A chat window will appear. To delete youraccount, talk to the customer care executive.

Regarding this, how can I delete my snap account?

Go to any browser (you can't delete the account fromthe actual app). Check the box to confirm you are nota robot. Select “Delete my account”, allthe way at the bottom.

Secondly, how do u delete an Amazon account? How to Delete Your Amazon Account
  1. Deleting your Amazon account is the only way to completelyerase your purchase history.
  2. Click “Prime or Something Else” at the top of thecustomer support page.
  3. Under the “Tell us more about your issue” section,select “Account Settings” in the first box and“Close My Account” in the second box.

Just so, how can I delete myntra account permanently?

Method 2- Deletion of account through theMyntra account In the mobile app, go to the upper leftcorner and in the last click on Contact Us tab and in abrowser, scroll down to go to the bottom of the page,here click on Contact Us option.

How can I delete my Flipkart account?

To deactivate, visit the deactivation link(

Related Question Answers

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Does Snapchat delete inactive accounts?

Presumably, if your account remainsinactive for a long period of time, Snapchat willdelete the account. Snapchat almost certainlyhas a policy about this, but because they don't publish the policy,we have no idea how long it will let your account lingerwithout activity before deleting it.

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Can you send snaps to a deleted account?

While your account is deactivated, your friendswill not be able to contact or interact with you onSnapchat." "After 30 days, your account will bepermanently deleted. This means that your account,account settings, friends, Snaps, Chats, Story,device data and location data in our main user databasewill be deleted."

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How do you recover a deleted Snapchat?

Go to Android Data Recovery tab and select“Contacts and Messages” Your phone will be rooted onceyou select the option. Next, you will see the deletedmessages. Select the required deleted messages, and click onthe Recover button.

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How do I erase my Instagram account?

To permanently delete your account:
  1. Go to the Delete Your Account page. If you're not logged intoInstagram on the web, you'll be asked to log in first.
  2. Select an option from the drop-down menu next to Why are youdeleting your account? and re-enter your password.
  3. Click or tap Permanently delete my account.

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How do I delete my Snapchat account 2018?

Go to Snapchat's account portal( page can also be accessed by going to,scrolling to the bottom of the page and selecting "Support." Thengo to "My Account & Security" and click "AccountInformation." Finally, select "Delete AnAccount."

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Can I temporarily disable Snapchat?

Yes, you can temporarily deactivate yourSnapchat account, but remember, after 30 days, your accountwill be permanently deleted.

Galen Atorrasagasti


How do you delete a snap without opening it?

Scroll down to a button titled “clearconversations” and tap that. From there you can pick andchoose the conversation that you want to delete, along withthe snap. Keep in mind this may delete all your savedmessages, I don't believe it will delete them from the otherpersons phone however.

Yasna Dublyansky


How do I return an item on myntra?

Returning a product on Myntra is simple;all you have to do is log on to your Myntra account andclick on the orders option. Once you click on orders, you will betaken to a page where all orders are listed. The orders which arealready delivered will have Return/Exchangeoption.

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Can we delete Jabong account?

How to delete your Jabong account. Youcan't delete your account. Moreover, they evenclaim this is impossible, because of a “recordspurpose”. Deeply, deeply blacklisted.

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How do I eliminate a Gmail account?

How to delete a Gmail account
  1. Sign into your Gmail account on
  2. Click the grid icon in the upper right-hand corner and select"Account."
  3. Under the "Account preferences" section click "Delete youraccount or services."
  4. Select "Delete products."
  5. Enter your password.

Francisco Tomov


How can I cancel my order in myntra?

Just follow this steps, its very quick and easy.
  1. log-in Myntra app.
  2. At left corner, get the screen.
  3. select Contact Us , here you will get many useful option OrderDelivery, Return, Exchange , Change/ Cancel order etc..
  4. Select Cancel Order.
  5. Now after selecting, Your total orders will shown with picturesand detail.

Laida Teifel


How can I change password in myntra?

Open it and click on the link provided in it. A new tabwill open in your browser which will redirect you to theMyntra app. Enter the new password that you wouldlike to keep for your account in space provided. Enter it again forverification purposes and click on change passwordoption.

Lhassane Capella


What happens if I deactivate my Flipkart account?

Note: When you deactivate your account: You arelogged out of your Flipkart Account. Wishlist is shown as"unavailable" as a result of deactivation *You will be unsubscribedfrom receiving promotional emails from Flipkart. Youraccount data is retained and is restored in case you choose toreactivate your account.

Oiana Braunagel


How can I change my number in Flipkart?

In the left side menu, Under the Personalinformation tab, click on the update email/mobile button. Onthe next page, enter your new email and mobilenumber, whichever you want to change and click onsave changes button. In these simple steps, you can update yourFlipkart account's email id/phone numbereasily.

Valentinas Rosenheim


How can I reactivate Flipkart account?

Click the 'reactivate' link to begin thereactivation process. Enter the email address associatedwith your account and an email will be sent to you toconfirm your reactivation request. Click ReactivateMy Account from the email and create a new password for youraccount.

Dionna Diakhate


How can I change my Flipkart account?

If you have a Flipkart account, then :
  1. Login to your account.
  2. Go to My Profile.
  3. Go to Account Settings.
  4. Edit e-mail address in Personal information.
  5. Put your new email id and then Save it.
  6. Then Verify your mail as you receive the OTP in your new emailaddress.
  7. Then Verify your account password.
  8. Your new email id is saved.

Graças Pfeifers


How can I login to flipkart seller account?

Flipkart Seller Login
  1. If you have already created an account on Flipkart Seller Hub,enter your login credentials and sign in to your dashboard.
  2. If you haven't created an account on Flipkart Seller Hub,register yourself on the platform. Creating a Flipkart SellersLogin is fairly simple. Just enter your email ID and phonenumber.