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Asked by: Trifon Gulaev
home and garden home appliancesHow can I dry my clothes without a tumble dryer?
- Use a hairdryer. If you have access to a handheldblow-dryer, you can use it to quickly and intensivelydry your clothing.
- Use a clothesline or drying rack. Hang yourclothing on a line, if possible, or use a dryingrack.
- Use an iron and a towel.
Simply so, how do you dry something without a dryer?
How to: dry your clothes in a flash (without a tumbledryer)
- Use a high spin. Use a high spin setting on your washingmachine so that as much water as possible is removed from yourclothes before they're even ready to dry.
- Two towel tricks.
- Give them room.
- Location, location, location.
- Rotate!
- In dire straits, hair dry, don't air dry.
- Tumble into the dark side.
Beside above, can you dry clothes with a hair dryer?
How To Dry Clothes With A Hairdryer. Hang yourgarment on a coat hanger and hang up. Set your hair dryer toa medium to high heat. Move the hairdryer across the surfaceof your garment - make sure you do not focus the heat fortoo long at one point as this can damage thefabric.
3 The temperature you're drying theclothes in. 4 How many clothes you're dryingat one time. Normally thick fabrics like cotton jeans willtake anywhere from 40 to 54 minutes. If you only have a fewjeans in the dryer, they could take as little as 30minutes.