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Asked by: Faysal Llago
hobbies and interests genealogy and ancestryHow can I find my time of birth?
Herein, can you find your time of birth online?
Unfortunately, birth records aren't easytofind online. As convenient as it'd be, there isn'tacentral catalog of birth records that you cansiftthrough to find your own birth record ortoread through someone else's.
Also know, are births public record?
Vital records most commonly refertorecords such as birth and deathcertificates,marriage licenses and divorce decrees, wills and thelike. They arenot considered Federal records; therefore theyare not heldby NARA.
You can look up the appropriate vitalrecordsdepartment on the National Center for Health Statisticswebsite,which has free information on how to obtainbirthrecords in each of the U.S. states. Apply online, bymail, or inperson to obtain birth records.