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Asked by: Michale Giordano
business and finance government businessHow can I find out how much someone's bail is?
Beside this, how do I find out someone's bail amount?
How to Find Out Someone's Bail Amount
- Call the Courthouse. The county courthouse canprovideinformation regarding the amount of the bail, as long as youcanprovide certain information regarding the identity ofthedefendant.
- Ask a Lawyer. If the case necessitates legal counsel, thecourtswill let the attorney know what the bail amount is.
- Call a Bondsman.
People also ask, how do I find out if someone was bailed out of jail?
Call the jail or the sheriff's office inthecounty the person was arrested. You can findtheappropriate phone numbers online, in the phone book or bycallingInformation. Provide the person's name, arrest dateand whatthe charges are. Inquire whether the person isstillimprisoned or a bond has been posted.
Because most people have never been arrested,theydo not understand how bail works. If theaccusedshows up to their court hearing and abide by the conditionsofbail, they get their bail amount back.Ifthey don't, bail can be revoked and forfeited, andthedefendant put in jail for the remainder of theircase.