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Asked by: Israa Guntter
family and relationships divorceHow can I get a quick uncontested divorce?
To file a no-fault, uncontested divorce,you'llneed:
- To satisfy residency requirements.
- To purchase an index number.
- To have a summons and complaint or petition served onyourspouse.
- To have your spouse file a response to your complaintorpetition.
- To fill out forms that put the case on the court calendar.
People also ask, what is the quickest way to get divorced?
Part 1 Starting the Divorce Process
- Fill out a Summons. The first step in getting a divorceistelling the court that you would like to dissolveyourmarriage.
- Have the dissolution forms reviewed.
- Make additional copies.
- File the papers.
- Serve your spouse.
- File proof of service.
Moreover, can I file an uncontested divorce myself?
Fast Do it Yourself UncontestedDivorcePapers. A contested divorce can be a messy,expensive anddrawn-out process. It is possible to complete anuncontesteddivorce without the assistance of a lawyer;however, it isalways advisable to obtain legalcounsel.
How to Get Free Divorce Papers
- Visit the county clerk's office in the county court buildinginthe county where you live.
- Download a free divorce packet from the website of yourlocalcounty court if available.
- Contact your local legal aid society.
- Ask your state law library for free divorce packets.