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Asked by: Anna Mura
business and finance human resourcesHow can I get my tree stump to rot faster?
Most tree stump killer brands are made ofpowderedpotassium nitrate, which speeds up the rottingprocess. Yousimply pour the granules into drilled holes andfillthe holes with water. The stump will becomeprettyspongy after four to six weeks.
Also, what can you put on a tree stump to make it rot?
Epsom salt also has the ability to draw moisture outofthe surrounding area, and in the case of a tree stump,canwork at rotting it at its core. Use Epsom saltinplace of the nitrogen, keeping the area moist andcoveredduring the process.
Moreover, how long does it take for tree stumps to rot?
3 to 7 years
Killing Tree Roots WithBleach If bleaching a tree stump can kill atreethen it will kill roots as well. Basically, youwould followthe same steps. Cut the root and treatwithbleach.